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Heisman Unimportant: Jameis Winston Plays for Much More

The Plummeting State Debt: Stingy Worked

December 11, 2014 - 6:00pm

During the campaign Gov. Rick Scott's aghast opponents made a mountain of the "record $77 billion budget" he signed this year. What they didn't mention was how much he and the Legislature saved Florida taxpayers.

Debbie's 'Dominant Democrats' Delusion

December 9, 2014 - 6:00pm

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is all over television, peddling the darndest notion. She insists voters really do agree with Democrats on the issues, they just don't come out for midterms. And that's why Team Blue lost.

I hope she didn't tell that to Mary Landrieu. After 18 years in the United States Senate, Democrat Landrieugot crushed like a chili pepper in last Saturday's Louisiana runoff election -- for no other reason than she couldn't wash her hands of President Obama's policies fast enough.

Duke Energy's New Hire Has His Work Cut Out to Rehab the Company Image

December 7, 2014 - 6:00pm

Could there be a bigger political pariah in corporate Florida than Duke Energy?

API Boss on Keystone XL Pipeline: 'We Are Resolved to Continue the Fight'

Is It Because She's a Girl?

December 3, 2014 - 6:00pm

What does Leslie Dougher have to do to keep her job? Somebody please tell me, I really want to know.

Department of Agriculture Wants State to Reject Bad Martin County Sewage Amendment

Florida Redistricting Scam? Show Me the Smoking Gun

November 30, 2014 - 6:00pm

Watching Florida's partisan redistricting tug of war, no wonder it's so hard to get young people interested in their government. All they see is politics -- and they don't find much there to like or admire.

Climate Change Policy? What Climate Change Policy?

Pssst, Kevin Cate: It Wasn't Just Money That Sank Charlie Crist


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