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A $24,000 Flood Insurance Policy? Welcome to Florida’s New Normal

Labor Unions Have Some Wild Ideas about ‘Work’

Once Supportive Hispanics Turn Their Backs on Obama, Obamacare

South Florida ‘Green’ House Sits on Shaky Environmental Grounds

Going up? Expanding Landfills Vertically Could Solve Florida’s Trash Problems

Who Profits from Florida's Mandatory Recycling Programs?

Some Stories of Floridians Serving Life Without Parole for Nonviolent Crimes

Religious Groups Seek Protection from Obamacare Under the First Amendment

Obamacare: Spanish Version of Site Has Problems, Too

Emperor, Mysterious Florida Company, Bilked Feds out of $750,000

May 7, 2013 - 6:00pm

The Emperor Organization, a Florida nonprofit company supposedly set up to offer educational and charitable help to businesses, received three-quarters of a million dollars in federal money three and four years ago -- but now it's disappeared off the map and may have been nothing more than an illusion.

Florida Watchdog traveled from Miami to Tallahassee in an attempt to find clues as to the whereabouts of the firm and its president, Derron Bennett, who, according to records, received a grant of $200,000 in August 2009 and another $550,000 in April 2010.


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