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World Cup Justice: Don't Dilly-Dally, Mr. Coulibaly, Get Back to Mali

You say it's not politics and it's not business, so why are we blogging it here in Sunshine State News? Because the World Cup and America's hopes on soccer's biggest stage are all politics, all business and far more.

So, here it is, released by FOX Sports Monday afternoon:

"The referee who threw out the United States' would-be winning goal last week will not officiate another World Cup match anytime soon, FIFA announced.

"Mali-born Koman Coulibaly, who disallowed a crucial American goal against Slovenia on Friday night, was left off the list of referees for the next two days of matches.

"The game ended in a 2-2 tie, rather than a 3-2 American victory that would have marked the biggest World Cup comeback ever."

No explanation given. And probably none needed. Closest we get to what went on behind closed doors at FIFA, according to Yahoo! Sports, is that Coulibaly received a poor rating following an expedited review of his performance Sunday.

Wonder what "top-flight" officials await us in our match against Algeria Wednesday?

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