Trump Takes the Doral off the Table
In a rare about-face -- and besieged by criticism that he was using the presidency to enrich himself -- President Donald Trump on Saturday reversed his decision to hold the next Group of Seven world leaders' meeting at the Doral golf and country club he and his family own.
“Based on both Media & Democrat Crazed and Irrational Hostility, we will no longer consider Trump National Doral, Miami, as the Host Site for the G-7 in 2020,” Trump tweeted. He said the White House “will begin the search for another site, including the possibility of Camp David, immediately.”
Though the president had promised to host the Doral summit at cost, it failed to silence the noisy, wilting criticism that "presidents just can't and/or shouldn't do that." Critics argued the annual heads-of-state gathering at the very least would have provided good-will value to Trump National Doral, and probably to all his properties around the world.
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