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Times/Herald Holds Teachers Union Harmless, Apparently

The Times/Herald combo is good at "follow the money" campaign stories. They've been writing them for years, separate or together. There's always that sneering quality in the story's tone when their reporters write about the bad guys donating those Big Bucks to their favorite evil candidates. You can almost see the reporter's lip curl up at the corner.

Ah, but! On Friday along comes "GOP, Dems rake in $10M" from T/H Tallahasse Bureau team Mary Ellen Klas and Lee Logan. What they produced was a story with at least one campaign donation that smiled, not sneered. A campaign donation that was, well, so harmless it was almost sweet:

"On the most high-profile issue this year, the controversial teacher tenure bill, teachers unions gave $81,000, all of it to the Democrats. The unions won a rare victory Thursday when Gov. Charlie Crist vetoed the bill. But their victory is likely a result of thousands of phone calls and e-mails, not political donations."

Really? $81,000? I guess if the Times/Herald says so ...

No need to follow the money when it comes from friends.

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