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Senators Vouch for Fla. Tax Credit Scholarship

The Senate just voted to expand Florida's corporate-funded Tax Credit Scholarship program and to give state parents a choice to enroll their students in private schools. And, some Democrats joined Republicans in their calls to give low-income families a chance to find private schools that are more suitable for their children than public schools.

The bill, sponsored by Sen. Joe Negron, R-Palm City, expands the cap on the Tax Credit Scholarship program, funded in part by corporate contributions in return for tax credits, from $114 million to $140 million, with opportunities for it to rise in following years. It also expands the eligibility requirements for the program, from 200 percent to 230 percent of the poverty level. The bill passed 27-11.

While most Democrats opposed the Republican-sponsored bill, two swam against the tide. Sen. Gary Siplin, D-Orlando, said he was a big supporter of public education, but he felt that public schools were not the right choice for some students. For parents who cannot afford an alternative school for those children, he said vouchers provided an important choice.

"Congressman, I urge you to do the right thing and help folks help themselves," he said.

Senate Minority Leader Al Lawson, D-Tallahassee, said he had long-supported the benefits private schools could offer to children, and the vouchers are needed for families struggling in the recession.

"During these bad economic times, it is real great that our corporate leaders are willing to invest [in education]," he said.

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