Senate President Bill Galvano's Comments on Opening Day of the 2019 Legislature
Submitted by Nancy Smith on March 5, 2019 - 11:12am
Florida Senate President Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton, offered the following comments Tuesday as part of his address to the Senate marking the opening day of the 2019 Legislative Session.
“In many ways, when we convene in this hallowed chamber, we are building the future. While this session may only last for two months, the work we do may affect millions of Floridians for years to come.
“So this session, let us make every day count to the fullest. As we work together with our governor and our House colleagues, let us do so recognizing each other’s value and our collective value as the Florida Senate. I ask that we collaborate and truly vet the issues, policies and ideas that are presented. And, if we as a Senate do not feel a bill is right, or ready, let us be willing to step back, rethink, and regroup. Most importantly, if necessary, let us have the discipline to be willing to walk away. History will not judge us based on the number of bills we pass, or the steps towards fulfilling a personal agenda. History will judge us based on the quality of our actions.”
“We will work together with the measure, the deliberation, and the decorum necessary to achieve the best policies for the people of our state.”
To watch President Galvano’s full address to the Senate, visit www.TheFloridaChannel.org.
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