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Running for Office? Avoid Negative Labels 'Tea Party' and 'Liberal'

No wonder a candidate doesn't want to be called a "liberal," or see his name linked to the "tea party." According to a Rasmussen Reports 1,000-likely-voter poll, voters across the nation still see those as the two most negative political labels.

Of the two, the "tea party" label is considered the worse, with 44 percent of those polled in a telephone survey calling the t-words bad news; 26 percent say they're positive words; another 26 percent think of them as somewhere in between.

Which two are the most positive labels? "Conservative" and "moderate."It's all downhill from there.

"Not surprisingly, there remains a strong difference of opinion between Republicans and Democrats," pollster Rasmussen claims.

To see the survey question wording, click here.

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