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Oh-Oh, Alan Grayson Is in Some Big-Bad Trouble Now

Somebody throw U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson a very long rope.

He's in a hole the size of a lunar crater.

According to Florida Division of Elections records, the bombastic Democrat has to find some kind of unearthly rocket in that space suit of his or he's going nowhere. Finished in CD 8.

Here's the problem.

In CD 8, as of late Friday, 26,000 Republicans have already voted absentee; the number for Democrats is 20,000.

In the early-voting column, 15,000 Republicans and 10,000 Democrats have early-voted.

Do the math. An analysis of early and absentee ballots cast through Thursday give Republicans a 10,000-vote turnout advantage. Amazingly, 4,000 of that margin comes from early votes where Democrats like Grayson have made their mark in past elections; Again, that's 10,000 votes in all, and rounded off -- as these numbers are -- we're talking about a huge, scary deficit for Alan Grayson.

Does anybody really believe those GOP voters jumped over to the Dems to send Grayson back to Washington? This tea party year? No. That means Grayson likely must make those votes up on Election Day.

With an expected 50 percent voter turnout, that leaves only about 140,000 more votes to be cast. Ouch.

Bottom line: Grayson would need to beat Republican opponent Dan Webster by more than 7 percent on Election Day to win.

Like I said, it's going to take one heckuva long rope for this space cadet to survive Tuesday.

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