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National Review Gives Charlie Crist His Own 'Flip-Flop Hall of Fame'

Used to be Charlie Crist could slip under the fence with the ease of a New Jersey garden snake, and once out of state, he could say about anything and win applause. That was then.

Seems Charlie's forked tongue has been well and truly discovered.

On Tuesday the venerable National Review came out with "Charlie Crist's Flip-Flop Hall of Fame." In the words of its author, it "seeks to recognize the most impressive instances of Crists blatant floppery." Hall of Fame categories include Fastest Flop, Most Predictable Reposition, Slickest Sea Change, Slimiest Switch, Most Explicit Evolution, Most Unstimulating U-Turn, Biggest Betrayal, Most Vicious Veto and Most Objectionable 180.

It's a classic.

Go for the movie rights, National Review.

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