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On MSNBC's 'Morning Joe:' Guess How Tony Hayward Is Spending Anniversary of BP Oil Spill?

On this first anniversary of the BP oil spill, is anybody wondering how Tony Hayward, the disgraced former head of BP -- Mr. "I Just Want My Life Back" -- is spending the day?

Probably he's somewhere just waiting, according to London-born journalist Martin Bashir, speaking on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program Wednesday morning.

He's waiting for his 55th birthday in May, Bashir said, when he will begin to collect his BP pension -- $979,839 a year in perpetuity -- yes, that's for the rest of his life. What's more, no one else can touch it. Ever. Most couples in Britain, if, say, the marriage breaks up, the couple split everything, even the pension. But Hayward will never have to do that. Such are the terms of his BP contract.

Bashir said stockholders at last week's BP meeting in London were outraged and shamed over everything to do with the oil spill -- but especially over Hayward's pension, which they emphatically wanted the company to deny him. It cannot. Hayward gets to rip the stockholders off for as long as he lives.

Bashir didn't say whether Hayward attended the stockholders meeting. He is actually still in BP's employ, apparently -- as a "non-executive director."

Probably part of his contract.

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