It's a Boy! Former Rep. Katie Edwards-Walpole, Husband Get 'the Gift We Prayed for'
Submitted by Nancy Smith on July 30, 2019 - 8:38pm
If you don't troll Facebook regularly, maybe you haven't seen the happy news: Former state Rep. Katie Edwards-Walpole is a mom. The Okeechobee-via-Plantation attorney gave birth Friday to Busby Alan Walpole.

Busby Alan Walpole
"I swore I would not be the person who blows up her FB feed with baby pics," she wrote Tuesday on her FB page. "But Brad and I really want to thank everyone who has reached out over the last few weeks. Every gift, every kind thought, every warm message is so appreciated. This was a gift we prayed for and our hearts are overjoyed. With the addition of Busby, our family is complete. Love to you all."

Katie and Buzzy
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