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Dan Webster Returns 30 Percent of Office Budget Back to Taxpayers

U.S. Rep. Dan Webster, R-Fla., showcased his return of almost $385,000--more than 30 percent of his congressional office budget--back to the federal government. 

Webster noted on Thursday his return of more than $2 million of his office funds over a five year period should be a model for other members of Congress. 

“Washington operates on the principle that if money is appropriated, it should be spent,” Webster said. “During my service in Congress, I have striven to expose this flawed mindset. Over the past five years, I have returned over 30 percent of the money allocated to run my congressional office, surpassing a cumulative amount of $2 million.

“We must get serious about fixing our spending problem in Washington, and I encourage every office, agency, and bureau to follow this pattern of removing waste without cutting services," Webster added, insisting had every member of Congress followed his example over the last five years, $1.5 billion would have been saved. 

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