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AFL-CIO Lawyer Coaches Teacher ... See For Yourself

While our reporter and videographer Lane Wright attempted to interview a teacher, a woman swooped in and whispered in the teacher's ear.

Teacher: OK.

Reporter: I'm sorry, was that anything to do with this interview?

Voice off camera: Yep.

Reporter: Was she coaching you on what to say?

Teacher: (Laughs).

Reporter: What did she tell you?

Teacher: Huh?

Reporter: What did she just whisper in your ear?

Teacher: She just said ... (long pause) 'Do good. Do well.' It's all good.

The reporter later discovered that the woman whispering into teacher Rob Rose's ear is an attorney hired by the Florida AFL-CIO -- one of the unions taking a leading role in fighting the performance pay bills in the Senate and now in the House.

See it for yourself right now. Watch "Performance Pay Battle Rocks the House."

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