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Andrew Gillum, Bill Nelson Ahead in New Poll

October 31, 2018 - 9:45am

An Ipsos/Reuters/University of Virginia Center for Politics poll released on Wednesday shows Democrats ahead in two key races in Florida. 

The poll of likely voters shows U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., ahead of Republican challenger Gov. Rick Scott 49 percent to 44 percent. When leaners are included, Nelson takes 50 percent while Scott gets 45 percent. 

In the gubernatorial race, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, the Democratic nominee, gets 50 percent followed by former U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., with 44 percent. When leaners are included Gillum stays at 50 percent while DeSantis moves up to 45 percent. 

Asked what is the most important issue in influencing their vote, 16 percent say healthcare and 15 percent say immigration while 12 percent say the economy, 11 percent point to Social Security and 9 percent say Medicare and Medicaid. 

Asked who has the better policy on healthcare, 43 percent say Nelson and 35 percent say Scott. On immigration, 40 percent say Scott has the better policy while 39 percent say Nelson does. Scott scores points on the economy with 43 percent saying he has the better policy on the economy and jobs while 36 percent say Nelson does. On the environment, 43 percent say Nelson has the better policy while 30 percent prefer Scott. Nelson also leads on social issues like abortion and same-sex marriage 42 percent to 32 percent but voters think Scott has better policy on the Supreme Court 40 percent to 35 percent. 

In the gubernatorial race, 46 percent say Gillum has the better policy on healthcare while 35 percent say DeSantis. Asked who has the better policy on immigration, both candidates get 40 percent. DeSantis has a slight edge on the economy and jobs 41 percent to 40 percent and on crime, law and order issues 42 percent to 40 percent. Gillum has double digit leads over DeSantis when voters are asked who has the better policies on the environment, education and social issues like abortion and same-sex marriage. 

Despite carrying Florida in 2016, President Donald Trump is disapproved by a majority--54 percent--of those surveyed and has the approval of 45 percent. Trump is scheduled to appear at rallies in Fort Myers on Wednesday night and in Pensacola on Saturday. 

The poll of 1,069 likely voters in Florida was taken from Oct. 17 through Oct. 25 and had a margin of error of +/- 3.4 percent. 


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