With the new Congress convening on Tuesday, U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla., introduced several proposals ranging from tax reform to national security to fighting citrus greening.
Last week, Buchanan, who sits on the U.S. House Ways and Means and the Budget Committee, unveiled his priorities for the new year. These included national security, lowering taxes, cutting down on regulations and “strengthening Social Security and Medicare” to “help current and future seniors live with dignity and independence.”
Buchanan got a start on his priorities on Tuesday, bringing out the “Main Street Fairness Act" proposal in January “which ensures that small businesses – which employ more than 3 million Floridians – never pay a higher tax rate than large corporations.” Buchanan also brought out his “Support Our Start-Ups Act" which increases tax deductions for individuals launching new businesses from $5,000 to $20,000.
Turning to national security, Buchanan also brought back his proposal to ensure the U.S. Department of Homeland Security vets the social media of all foreign tourists and visa applicants.
Other proposals Buchanan brought back include the Emergency Citrus Disease Response Act” which offers tax incentives for farmers impacted by citrus greening. Last year, Buchanan’s proposal passed the House but failed to reach the finish line in the Senate. Buchanan is also, once again, sponsoring a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Buchanan also brought out the “Thin Blue Line Act” which toughens penalties on criminals who kill police officers and first responders and his bill banning the killing of horses for human consumption.
Also on Tuesday, Buchanan said he would use his seat on the Ways and Means Committee to ensure Medicare and Social Security are protected.
“Medicare and Social Security are two of the most successful government programs,” Buchanan said. “For many of our loved ones, these funds are critical to a healthy and secure retirement. We must preserve both programs for today’s seniors and future generations.”