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Ted Yoho Bashes Democrats, Looks to Repeal Obamacare

January 5, 2014 - 6:00pm

A year after first taking his seat in Congress, this week U.S. Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Fla., portrayed Democrats as the party of big government while insisting the GOP was the party of small government.

In his first bid for elected office back in 2012, Yoho upset longtime U.S. Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., in the Republican primaries by running as an outsider who had enough of politics as usual. In a message to supporters sent out on Sunday night, Yoho continued to come back to that theme.

Our cause from the beginning was getting our country back on track because we had had enough. Exactly one year later, we have made progress but we still have a long way to go, Yoho insisted.

In order to get our country back on track we must first define what that track is and what kind of country we want, Yoho continued. Are we to remain the land of opportunity, the land of the brave and home of the free? Or are we going have a country where government decides and provides for us from cradle to the grave?

The freshman congressman insisted there were major differences between the two parties over the size, scope and cost of the federal government. Our country has had ideological differences since its beginning, but today we are divided into two parties: the party of big government vs. the party of small government, Yoho wrote, before attacking Democrats for expanding the reach of the federal government. The party of big government believes that government is the answer to all of our woes, be it financial, housing, health care or even the light bulbs we use. They desire to have a large, centralized government that controls how we live, where we live and what's best for us. They think government is the solution to all of societys woes.

The party of small government, which I am proud to belong to and fight for, believes in the greatness and exceptionalism of America that lies in the heart and spirit of each and every one of us, Yoho insisted. I believe the people do best with limited government and that government was instilled by mankind to protect our God-given rights. I believe all people have a yearning to be free and self-determining. For one to be free they must have opportunity unhindered by big and overreaching government. When that opportunity is seized and acted upon with hard work, the American dream becomes a reality.

The economic policies of the Republicans promote economic freedom yet come with the condition of hard work, Yoho added. The foundation of these Republican principles is equal opportunity not equal outcome. The sky is the limit for one to decide how far they will go to reach the full potential of the human spirit. Whereas progressive, liberal policies say government will decide for you. Your job is to decide what's best for you, your family and your future generations. I personally choose freedom.

Despite his praise for the GOP, during his first year in office, Yoho was often pitted against his fellow Republicans including voting against U.S. House Speaker John Boehners, R-Ohio, bid to lead the House. Yoho also voted to support the federal budget agreement crafted by U.S. Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., and U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., last month which was signed by President Barack Obama.

In the meantime, Yoho continues to work against Obamas signature health-care law. Pointing to Congressional Budget Office reports that at least 7 million Americans need to be enrolled in the health-care law before insurance plan expenses go even further up, Yoho introduced the Nullifying the Unconstitutional Mandate By Evaluating Results (NUMBER) Act. Yohos bill would repeal the health-care law if 7 million Americans are not enrolled by March 31.

The Obama administration likes to claim that this health-care law is hugely popular and is wanted by the American people, Yoho said when the law was introduced back in December. I disagree. If the administration cant even make their own target numbers then the American taxpayer should not be further burdened by this terrible law. This common-sense bill simply holds the administration accountable to those numbers, and if they are not met the Affordable Care Act is fully repealed.

Yohos bill is making some headway in the Republican-controlled House where it has already picked up almost 20 co-sponsors. But it has almost no chance of passing the Democratic-controlled Senate and, more than three weeks after Yoho proposed it, there is no official sponsor for a version of the NUMBER Act in the upper chamber.

Reach Kevin Derby at

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