Excuse me for a minute, while I laugh. Actually, I don't know whether to laugh or call the police.
There are some serious stalkers in Florida.
Starting with Peter Schorsch.
I get that he is a bit pissed that elected officials call me now before they call him.
Particularly in his own backyard of St. Petersburg.
Perhaps Rick Baker didn't invite big Pete to his watch party. (not sure if there would have been enough food).
Whatever the case, big Pete has his panties in a wad because I attended Baker's watch party, along with Nikki Barnes, who happens to be a DNC member. (See Schorsch's story here.)
He reported this "news" like it was some scoop, and he was outing us.
I guess it didn't matter that I posted pictures of myself and Nikki with Baker (see the photo below), and Democrats Wengay Newton and Goliath Davis, on our respective Facebook pages and on Twitter.
Peter Schorsch is so triggered that his blog is no longer the only game in town that it is causing him not to eat.
Well, he isn't that triggered yet, as you can tell, but he becomes a psycho when it comes to me.
Back to the stalking.
I finally had to block Schorsch on Twitter.
He doesn't get it that he is a non-factor with me. I don't need "Florida Politics". The people call me before they call him, and that is what bugs him.
Too bad, so sad.
As for Big Pete and Kriseman's surprise win last night, go through he of extra large girth's articles and you'll be hard-pressed to find one calling that win before it happened, but I guess all that fat around his brain is causing amnesia.
Until the big one tags me on Twitter, or writes these "gotcha" stories about who I'm associating with or what my political affiliation is supposed to be, I forget that he even exists.
That pretty much applies to the whole gang of trolls who are now pressed about Rick Baker's watch party.
I'm told that one blocked troll was begging someone to re-post my tweets just so he could see them.
Seriously? These people are that obsessed with me? People I couldn't care less about?
It has now progressed beyond white folks thinking they own the black vote.
Some now think it's slavery days again and they own black bodies.
Forget Confederate statues! Democrats, clean out your own damn party first!
You can't dictate who can and can't attend a party, no matter how much you think you can.
Every single person crying about Nikki Barnes attending a party was white.
Every single one.
Newsflash: you don't own her person. I've already made it clear that no one owns mine.
Make no mistake about it, if I choose to attend another watch party of Rick Baker's, or anyone else's, I will -- without a single thought of getting anyone's permission.
I don't have to.
Leslie Wimes, a Sunshine State News columnist, is founder and president of Women on the Move and the Democratic African American Women Caucus, www.daawc.com. Follow Leslie on Twitter: @womenonthemove1