Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the Arizona Republican who has made national headlines due to his tough stances on illegal immigration and his continued insistence that President Barack Obama’s birth certificate is fake, threw his support to Patrick Mooney for the Republican nod to replace Ron DeSantis in Congress.
Mooney, a political activist who is running in a crowded primary, announced Arpaio’s support on Tuesday.
"As a veteran and an elected sheriff, I take our country's security very seriously," Arpaio wrote Mooney in his endorsement letter. “I 'm supporting you for Congress because I know you are a true conservative who will not back down against the liberals in Washington - in both parties. For years, you have been fighting for conservative principles, whether it's securing our border, defeating radical terrorism, or protecting our Second Amendment rights. Our country will be better off with you in Congress fighting for these vital principles."
"I'm honored to receive Sheriff Arpaio's endorsement," Mooney said. "Sheriff Joe has fought tirelessly to protect our borders and keep America secure. I hope to do the same if I'm honored to represent Florida in Congress."
With DeSantis currently running for the Senate, a large crowd of Republicans has lined up to replace him for this seat stretching along the Atlantic coast from the southern parts of St. Johns County down to Volusia County. Fred Costello, who ran for the seat against DeSantis in 2012, and David Santiago are hoping to move up from the state House to Congress. Also running for the Republican nomination are businessman G.G. Galloway, former police officer James Jusick and political activist Brandon Patty.
Hoping to flip the seat, four Democrats have lined up here including state Rep. Dwayne Taylor, businessman Jason Kendall who ran in 2012, businessman Bill McCullough and attorney George Pappas. Republicans are favored to keep this seat in November