Pushing back on Gov. Rick Scotts decision to mothball a handful of programs housed within his office, some members of the Florida Senate on Thursday told the governor in no uncertain terms that he has other responsibilities than just bringing jobs to the state.
As Senate lawmakers were debating changes to its proposed budget (SB 2100), members offered a series of amendments to restore programs cut by the governor affecting drug control efforts and adoption services, responsibilities that Scott said earlier in his term he doesnt want.
I commend him for wanting Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, but he has whole array of things for which he is responsible and which he must support, said Sen. Evelyn Lynn, R-Ormond Beach.
In December, Scott informed all four full-time employees working in the governor's Office of Drug Control that they would not be rehired when he took office in January. The move would save approximately $500,000 in salary and benefits.
A spokesman for Scott told the St. Petersburg Times-Miami Herald at the time that the duties of the office would likely be turned over to the Departments of Health and Law Enforcement.
I don't think we're going to have cocaine bales stacking up on the docks of Miami if we close this office, Scott spokesman Brian Burgess said at the time.
Likewise, Scott also called for moving the Office of Adoption and Child Protection from his office to the Department of Children and Families.
On Thursday, Senators put themselves at odds with the governor on both points by adding amendments to a pair of measures (SB 2104 and SB 2108) to return the offices to the governors control.
Sen. Ronda Storms, R-Valrico, said she offered the adoption amendment because foster and adopted children have nowhere else to turn and the governor needs to lead the way whether he likes it or not.
During debate, Storms said DCF is overwhelmed with other child care issues and adoptive children need to have a voice looking out for their interests outside the agency, which she has frequently criticized.
I know people say that if he doesnt want it why should you make it go there, Storms said. All I would say to you is this. Lots of people dont want to take responsibility for their children.We have an obligation not to turn our backs on them.
Im not saying the economy and jobs arent important, Storms said later. But just like every other working parent, (Scott) has to pay the bills and go to work and take care of the kids. This is taking care of the kids.
Also Thursday, Sen. Mike Fasano, R-New Port Richey, proposed an amendment that would return the drug control offices to the governors control . Lynn was among Senate members to applaud Fasanos and Storms amendments and took the time rib the governor for possibly focusing his attention too closely on only the issues he finds important, such as economic development.
With all the problems we have with drugs and alcohol. Lynn said, lets make sure the governor shows that he, too, is interested in cleaning up the many problems we have with all of these issues and that he will take responsibility just as we have to do here.