Yesterday Sean Phillippi printed a column in The Florida Squeeze, in which he alleged I was a Republican plant, out to singlehandedly destroy the Florida Democratic Party.
Now, that narrative has been around ever since I was a Nan Rich supporter.
It helps certain Democrats feel better about themselves because they refuse to address the serious issues and flaws I point out that exist in the party.
Mind you, no one has ever presented any concrete PROOF of me being this Republican plant.
Either I'm just that good, they are just that bad, or it's just a bunch of BS.
Unfortunately for the conspiracy lovers, it's No. 3.
Mind you, if I really WERE a Republican, while this may be hard to believe, Democrats would have lost worse than they already have!
Getting back to Peter Schorsch.
Peter has had a problem with me ever since the Nan Rich days.
He has been so far up Charlie Crist's backside, it would take two laxatives, three enemas, and manual manipulation to get him out, because Charlie is a little guy, and Peter is, well, not so little.
Because I let Chain Gang Charlie have it, Peter Schorsch has had it out for me.
He was determined to be the new Jim Greer for Charlie.
Sean Phillippi's article was snatched down by people with better judgment at The Florida Squeeze, and an apology was issued to me.
For the record, I had nothing to do with the article being taken down.
Because he was embarrassed the article was taken down, Phillippi told people I had threatened to sue.
That never happened.
Peter Schorsch picked the article up and ran it with the headline "The op-ed Leslie Wimes apparently doesn't want you to see."
Now, Sean Phillippi was well aware I wasn't the one who caused that article to be pulled. His editor made him aware of that, and he threatened to file a Florida Bar complaint against her husband! I'm sure he let Peter know that, but they wouldn't run something they KNEW was false, would they?
Course not! LMAO!
Peter Schorsch has had a problem with the fact I have a column in Sunshine State News for a while now.
Certain Democratic operatives have had a problem with the same.
The recent issue with Debbie Wasserman Schultz appearing on stage at Leadership Blue is what triggered Sean Phillippi.

Phillippi got laughed at. His own website slapped him down.
So, of course Peter Schorsch would race to print a lie if it involves me.
He obsesses over certain people.
Really, he obsesses over anyone who gets any attention he feels should be his.
Insecurity is a reality, folks.
Can someone please play with Peter? He really needs some genuine friends.
Leslie Wimes, a Sunshine State News columnist, is founder and president of Women on the Move and the Democratic African American Women Caucus, www.daawc.com. Follow Leslie on Twitter: @womenonthemove1
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