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NRA Slams Patrick Murphy for Anti-Gun Policies in New Mailer

October 4, 2016 - 9:45pm

The National Rifle Association is taking aim at U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy over his record on gun issues in a new mailer sent out to Florida voters.

The mailer, sent out by the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action, warns voters that electing Murphy to the U.S. Senate could have dire consequences for Second Amendment rights nationwide.

“We know how Patrick Murphy will vote on your Second Amendment rights if he’s elected to the U.S. Senate,” the NRA wrote in the mailer. 

The group points to Murphy’s voting record on gun issues. Murphy is in support of many positions unpopular with the NRA like banning semi-automatic firearms and banning standard capacity magazines.

The NRA also noted Murphy’s support of government blacklists to deny people on secret government lists the ability of purchase or own a firearm. The mailer also says Murphy supported the use of taxpayer funds to “promote restrictions” on Second Amendment rights.

For his positions, Murphy received an “F” rating from the NRA.

The mailer also ties Murphy to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Clinton, who endorsed Murphy for Senate, has made statements about the need for increased gun control. 

The NRA warns of a vacancy in the U.S. Supreme Court which will be filled by the next president -- and if the next president is Hillary Clinton, the group says he would be all aboard with her anti-gun proposals.

“Hillary is confident that Murphy will vote for anti-gun nominees to the Supreme Court -- and that alone is reason enough to reject him,” the group wrote. 

In July, the NRA officially endorsed Murphy's opponent, Republican incumbent U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio. 

“Marco Rubio is a strong advocate for the rights of law-abiding gun owners and sportsmen,” said Chris W. Cox, chairman, NRA-PVF. “He has fought to preserve our Second Amendment freedoms and hunting heritage, and stood strong against President Obama, Hillary Clinton and former New York City billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s extreme gun-control agenda." 

The NRA has already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on direct-mail pieces to support Rubio in his bid for reelection, throwing about $423,000 into mailers last month. 

The group is also taking to TV airwaves and digital airwaves to cast mud on Murphy. The ad, which is running in Pensacola, Panama City and Jacksonville, focuses on Benghazi and Murphy’s statement that Hillary Clinton “didn’t do anything wrong” over the Benghazi. 

The group spent $900,000 on the ad buy.

"“Congressman Murphy’s weakness is a threat to your freedom,” veteran Mark Geist says in the ad.

Recent polls show Rubio has taken a larger lead over Murphy in the Senate race, routing him by seven points in the most recent survey.

The general election will be held Nov. 8. 


Reach reporter Allison Nielsen by email at or follow her on Twitter: @AllisonNielsen


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