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Negative Ads Dominate Heavily Watched, Financed Allen West-Patrick Murphy District 18 Contest

October 4, 2012 - 6:00pm

If all one had seen or heard of the Congressional District 18 race was the commercials spewing from the two nationally funded camps, one might have been confused trying to equate the images run on TV to the candidates as they appeared together for the first time on Thursday.

U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Palm Beach Gardens, and his Democratic opponent Patrick Murphy stayed away from the personal attacks during the St. Lucie County League of Women Voters' forum in the County Commission chambers.

During the question-answer forum, which didnt include rebuttals, Murphy focused his message on reaching across party lines, reported. West retorted that hell work with anyone, but hes sticking to his conservative principles.

Such nonpartisan sentiments have hardly been the focus of the recent TV ads for the Treasure Coast-Northern Palm Beach County district that sways Republican in voter registration and is currently represented by U.S. Rep. Tom Rooney, R-Tequesta.

Redistricting early this year essentially split the district in half and Rooney is now running for the new District 17 seat that spreads east from Charlotte on the west side of the state.

While polls have suggested the contest is competitive, both camps have recently released statements declaring that internal polls show their candidates have vast leads -- Murphys camp saying he is up 9 points, Wests side claiming to be up 11.

Florida Atlantic University assistant political science professor Kevin Wagner said that both sides have gone negative and there is no expectation for either to let up.

What is clear is that neither side is pulling any punches and this race may get even more negative before it's over, Wagner said.

Murphy has questioned Wests military service record and labeled West as a bully in an ad -- paid for by a super-PAC funded by Murphys father -- where he was depicted in boxing gloves hitting an elderly white woman. The adlater drew cries of racism.

West has recently countered by running a mugshot from Murphys 2003 arrest from a disorderly conduct charge that occurred simultaneously with West receiving overseas deployment orders.

The vitriol comes because West isan outspoken tea party favorite who has become a top target of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the House Majority PAC.

Wagner said the nationally watched contest is a bellwether race that both parties are angling hard to win. It provides a window into the staying power of the tea party movement.

No single House race will change the majority, Wagner added. However, this particular race can illustrate a larger trend in the electorate as it is a swing district with a campaign that is very visible nationally. If one side pulls ahead substantially, it might be a good indicator of the trends across multiple states.

Murphy has raised more than $2.4 million according to federal elections records and his campaign claims to have picked up another $1.1 million since July.

West has pulled in more than $10.4 million, burning through $7.4 million as of July.

Murphy reportedly was down to $400,000 in September with the bulk of recent spending going into TV time.

More ads from the contest:

The West camp recently released an ad from his wife Angela against the negative attacks.

Reach Jim Turner at or at (772) 215-9889.

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