Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann say they're skipping the Florida straw vote, but it looks like their names will be on the Sept. 24 poll ballot anyway.
According to the host Republican Party of Florida, all candidates participating in the scheduled Sept. 22 Fox News debate at the Presidency 5 summit will probably be listed on the straw ballot occurring two days later.
"We've told all the candidates that regardless of what they self-identify as participation, they're likely going to be on the ballot," RPOF spokesman Brian Hughes told Sunshine State News. He said a final decision on the policy will be made by the P5 committee.
Currently, only Ron Paul, Herman Cain and Jon Huntsman have confirmed their participation at the Saturday straw poll. That entitles them to podium time before the vote at the Orange County Convention Center -- and a firsthand opportunity to pick up support among some 3,500 GOP delegates.
Romney, Bachmann and any other Fox News debaters who opt to skip the Saturday poll will not have podium access that day, but, as things stand now, their names would appear on the official straw ballot nonetheless.
It is widely expected that Romney and Bachmann will be on the Fox stage during the opening night of P5.
Fox News' senior director of politics, Cherie Grzech, said the network had not yet finalized its criteria for inclusion in the Florida debate.
To qualify for last week's Fox debate in Iowa, candidates must have garnered an average of at least 1 percent in five national polls and have registered a presidential exploratory committee or presidential campaign with the Federal Elections Commission.
If those rules are replicated for Florida, time constraints could make it difficult, if not impossible, for newcomers to qualify for a microphone at the Fox debate in Orlando.
The rumor mill continues to churn with impending entries by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani; U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis.; former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and, despite repeated denials, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
Hughes said the Florida straw poll will have much more significance and validity than the Iowa poll, where candidates purchased delegate seats.
"We have prepaid delegates who are paying their own way. They represent the most important activists of our party -- key grass-roots, Republican Executive Committee members, elected officials and donors of all levels," Hughes said.
As for the presidential candidates, Hughes said, "There is no requirement to pay big bucks to stack a big vote. The only financial requirement is whatever they need to do to get to Orlando and be there for three days. It's completely different than Iowa.
"If someone wants to portay themselves as a credible candidate, they must woo the most important activists in the state," he added. "These people will be the ground game and the driving force behind a successful primary campaign. They're up for grabs."
Turning up the heat, Hughes reminded, "The news cycle will show the results of the straw poll with each candidate's name."
Neither the Romney nor Bachmann campaigns immediately responded to Sunshine State News' request for comment.
Mark Miner, a spokesman for Rick Perry, another top-tier candidate, said the campaign had not yet decided whether to participate in the Florida poll.
Meantime, the RPOF's Presidency 5 Facebook page is urging followers to call on Romney and Bachmann to reconsider their decision to sit out Saturday's event. In dual postings, the site directs readers to click on a link to warn each candidate "not to snub us because you cannot win the nomination without winning Florida!"
RPOF is hoping its P5 poll will make a big splash after a 2007 vote was canceled amid political jockeying by then-Gov. Charle Crist. At that time, Romney was pushing for a poll, but Crist, who was cozying up to John McCain in hopes of a vice presidential slot, jettisoned the event.
Contact Kenric Ward at or (772) 801-5341.