Where is Rick Scott?
When Markeith Loyd killed his girlfriend and a police officer, indirectly caused the death of another police officer, and the death penalty wasn’t put on the table, Rick Scott was all over the case like white on rice.
When State Attorney Aramis Ayala decided that her interpretation of charging allowed her to cease applying the death penalty, Rick Scott was all over Aramis Ayala.
In fact, Scott battled Aramis Ayala all the way to Florida’s Supreme Court.
Aramis Ayala is black.
Markeis McGlockton is dead. He died at the hands of a vigilante, Michael Dreijka, who decided to confront McGlockton’s girlfriend over a parking spot.
After McGlockton shoved Dreijka to the ground, Dreijka pulled out a gun. McGlockton is seen on video backing away. The situation was de-escalating.
Dreijka still shot and killed McGlockton.
Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri has elected not to charge Dreijka at all, citing his interpretation of Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law.
Bob Gualtieri is white.
In a Politico article this morning, NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer, the mother of Stand Your Ground, along with lawmaker Dennis Baxley, the father of Stand Your Ground, have both said Bob Gualtieri’s interpretation is wrong.
Republicans, who for the most part, have fallen in line with every pro-gun action, even those that lead to death, aren’t falling in line with this one.
That should tell you something.
That should tell Rick Scott something.
Scott decided to pit himself against Aramis Ayala, a black elected official, for her interpretation of the application of the death penalty. By the way, no case taken from Ayala has resulted in the death penalty.
The silence of Rick Scott on the actions of a white elected official, in a case that led to the murder of Markeis McGlockton is deafening.
The fact that Bob Gualtieri is a white Republican elected official, and Aramis Ayala is a black Democratic elected official, isn’t lost on me.
It shouldn’t be lost on anyone.
Bob Gualtieri, in not arresting Michael Dreijka, made it easier for any racist to initiate a confrontation, which Dreijka did, knowing he was strapped, and kill any black person he/she sees and get away Scott-free. Rick Scott-free.
Where are you Rick Scott?
Speak up, unless you co-sign on this behavior.
You are the governor for ALL Floridians, including those who don’t look like you, or vote like you.
Republicans have said Gualtieri was wrong in not arresting Dreijka.
Democrats have said Gualtieri was wrong in not arresting Dreijka.
It’s time for something other than deflection, GOVERNOR Scott.
It’s time for you to step in, just like you did with Aramis Ayala.
Clearly Bob Gualtieri does not know how to handle Stand Your Ground cases. Are you going to reassign any Stand Your Ground case that comes his way?
I won’t hold my breath.
Leslie Wimes, a Sunshine State News columnist, is founder and president of Women on the Move and the Democratic African American Women Caucus, www.daawc.com. Follow Leslie on Twitter: @womenonthemove1