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Marco Rubio Needs More than Cuba to Get Back into 2016 Game

December 17, 2014 - 6:00pm

Marco Rubio scored some points by taking the lead in battling Barack Obamas new Cuba policy -- but hell need more to get back in the top tier of Republican presidential candidates.

Rubio has been everywhere since Obama announced he was normalizing relations with Cuba, appearing on plenty of cable news stations criticizing the decision. If he plays his cards right, Rubio should be able to make the rounds on the Sunday morning shows in what is generally a slower news cycle.

To be sure, Rubio needed a boost as he looks at running for president in 2016. Ever since his role with the Gang of Eight on immigration reform, Rubios stock plummeted with conservatives. Earlier this week, Jeb Bush, Rubios chief rival for Florida Republican support, told supporters that hes exploring running, getting ready with a PAC that will start in January.

With Cuba, Rubio has an opportunity to regain some lost ground. Even if most voters shrug off the issue or support Obamas action, many conservative Republican primary voters will cheer Rubios sharp criticisms of the administration. Rubio also has the chance to remind the GOP that he appeals to the growing number of Hispanic voters and is a strong speaker with a compelling public presence.

But Rubio will need to do far more if he wants to get back into contention. Cuba simply isnt an issue that will do well in Iowa or New Hampshire and, when push comes to shove, most voters dont make foreign policy their priority when they cast their ballots.

In fact, Cuba could make Rubios role in the Senate even more compelling. Rubio has been pretty vocal about his discontent with Harry Reid and the Democrats controlling the Senate. But now the GOP is ready to take charge and Rubio will be leading the Western Hemisphere subcommittee, giving him a major role in Latin American affairs, including Cuba. Rubio will be a solid favorite to keep the Senate seat for the GOP in 2016 but other Florida Republicans wont be as favored. With Democrats hoping to flip back the Senate in 2016, Rubio could now feel additional pressure to stay where he is.

Cuba gives Rubio a boost, certainly. But if hes going to be a serious contender for the presidency, he will need to find another way to get on the national stage. Cuba alone wont get Rubio back to the head of the pack or help him catch up to Bush with Florida Republicans.

Tallahassee political writer Jeff Henderson wrote this analysis exclusively for Sunshine State News.

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