State Rep. Kelli Stargel, R-Lakeland, is a small speed bump away from moving to the upper chamber.
Stargel defeated two GOP opponents -- Auburndale Mayor Jack Myers and businessman and conservative activist Ron Rushing -- in the primary Tuesday for the new District 15 that essentially is the seat held by Sen. Paula Dockery, R-Lakeland, who is out because of term limits.
Stargels next step is Stego Blue, a Navy veteran from Lakeland whose campaign has spent most of the $3,715 so far raised, of which $1,600 was a self-loan.
An investment-property manager first elected in 2008, Stargel raised $276,451, of which she spent $252,612 on the campaign.
Myers, also a former Polk County commissioner, spent $167,654, nearly his entire account.
Rushing spent $6,560 of the $7,415 he had raised.
Reach Jim Turner at or at (772) 215-9889.