Let's face it. There is a certain faction of the Jewish community that will never, ever, ever, ever, ever accept Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison as Democratic National Committee Chair, no matter what he does, or how he does it.
So I get why he accepted an opportunity presented to him by Stephen Bittel, who was feeling the Bern so much so by Our Revolution backing Dwight Bullard in word AND deed, that he decided to play a desperate Keith Ellison like a Stradivarius.
Think about it.
Keith Ellison endorses Bittel, allegedly, seeing as how we have only Bittel's word to go on, and Bittel runs around like the town crier spouting off about his new-found progressive street cred. (We aren't buying that, by the way).
Keith Ellison draws the ire and hate of true progressives, which he has, because we know Stephen Bittel "ain't worth the salt in food" when it comes to being progressive.
Keith, Keith, Keith.
These streets ain't for everybody. That's why they made sidewalks. You should have stayed on the sidewalk for this one! Bruh! I thought you knew that! You've been out here too long to be played like this.

Why didn't you call me? We have mutual friends! I could have saved you. Now I hope Tom Perez beats the brakes off of you. And something tells me Stephen Bittel does, too.
If you are willing to sell out prior to getting the DNC post, what won't you do once you get it?
I thought you were a stand-up kind of guy. Your back is bent, and right now, Stephen Bittel is riding it.
You aren't looking like a stallion, my brother. You are looking like a donkey.
Stephen Bittel is trying to kill two birds with one stone. YOU AND Dwight Bullard.
Dwight Bullard is fighting the good fight.
You, Keith Ellison, rolled over like a trained seal.
I'm actually glad you didn't issue a statement. Let your massa do the talking for you.
Because that is exactly what Bittel has become. He owns you now.
I have to say I'm proud of Oscar Braynon and the rest of the Democratic senators in Florida who are preparing for the unfortunate possibility of a Bittel chair by breaking away.
Some say Bill Nelson helped with this Ellison/Bittel "thing".
2018 is going to see Florida lose the aging Bill Nelson as U.S. senator.
We've had enough of his treatment and his meddling. He is going down.
People seem to be afraid of (former) Sen. Bill Nelson.
The black community is not.
We won't forgive and we won't forget, but more importantly ...
We won't be turning out for him.
Leslie Wimes is founder and president of Women on the Move and the Democratic African American Women Caucus, www.daawc.com. Follow Leslie on Twitter: @womenonthemove1.