In case anyone has forgotten, John Lewis, the congressman from Georgia's 5th District, endorsed Hillary Clinton in her 2008 bid for the presidency.
The last time I checked, the only President Clinton I know of had the first name of William, a.k.a. Bill.
We love John Lewis.
We respect John Lewis.
We are not going to vote for Gwen Graham because she was endorsed by John Lewis.
So, while it makes for great headlines and makes it great for reporters to say, "Wow, Andrew Gillum now has to worry about the black vote" -- in reality, he doesn't.

Andrew Gillum is still sitting just as pretty as he was in the black community before this endorsement, and anyone who thinks he isn't is crazy as hell.
Just like Hillary Clinton's black surrogates were not going to win her Florida in 2016 via the black vote, as I told you folks, neither will Gwen Graham's.
Just as I side-eyed that endorsement, trust and believe, it received the side-eye of many in the black community.
The only people who are getting their panties in a wad about John Lewis endorsing Gwen Graham are those outside of the community.
To put it as bluntly as I can, the black community doesn't care about John Lewis endorsing Gwen Graham when you weigh that against the thought of Andrew Gillum running for governor.
To put it even more bluntly, the black community in Florida probably cares more about the birth of Davis Allen Gillum.
Congratulations, Andrew and R. Jai!
By the way, Lewis ended up switching his endorsement in 2008.
Leslie Wimes, a Sunshine State News columnist, is founder and president of Women on the Move and the Democratic African American Women Caucus, www.daawc.com. Follow Leslie on Twitter: @womenonthemove1.