America has begun to experience some of the atrocities of Sharia -- the religious, legal system that governs the political, social and moral duties of faithful Muslims, according to the national human rights organization ACT! For America.
Men, and especially women, throughout the nation are raising their voices, taking a stand against some of the harsher Sharia practices -- from female genital mutilation and honor violence to blasphemy and apostasy laws -- all increasingly showing up in American society.
ACT! is planning a “March Against Sharia – March for Human Rights” in 28 cities across America on Saturday, including Jacksonville and Orlando.
- In Jacksonville, the event will begin at the Salem Center, 7235 Bonneval Road, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. See Facebook.
- In Orlando, the march starts at Valencia College East Campus, 701 N Econlockhatchee Trail, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. See Facebook.

The Sharia atrocities showing up in the U.S. are the very acts that caused many Muslim families to seek shelter in the United States years ago, says Brigitte Gabriel, founder of ACT! For America. Gabriel said her family escaped Lebanon decades ago, for no other reason than to save the children from the cruelest practices of Sharia Law.
“We want to increase awareness about certain practices that are starting to happen in our country with the rise of Islamic immigration, because we are now hearing about female genital mutilation, like the cases in Detroit recently announced by the Department of Justice,” she said in an interview with the Christian website WMD.
“Who would have thought in 21st century America, after what women did working so hard in defense of women’s rights that we’d be talking about little girls being horribly mutilated, and that 513,000 girls are at risk of this barbaric Third World procedure, according to the CDC [Centers for Disease Control].”
ACT! will also shine a light on honor killings and honor violence.
“It’s already here in America,” Gabriel said. “We’re seeing girls being killed simply for wanting to wear makeup. Under our Constitution they deserve the same rights and protections.”

Scott Presler, one of the organizers of the event, told WMD the left will try to paint the rallies as “Islamophobic” and anti-Muslim, because that’s what the left always does in its defense of the Islamist agenda.
If radical leftists want to hold counter protests in favor of female genital mutilations, honor killings and the death penalty for former Muslims who have left the faith, they are more than welcome to do so, he said.
Presler said his own wake-up call came one year ago, on June 12, when the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando was attacked by the son of an Afghan immigrant who killed 49 people in an act of jihad.
“I came out as gay after the attack on Pulse. I never intended to come out, at least not this soon, but after it happened, I felt I had to take a stand, I felt obligated, I had to fight for my community, my country,” Presler told WND.
In Muslim-majority countries where Sharia rules, there is no debate as to whether homosexuals should be allowed to marry. The debate is how best to punish them, and in some countries such as Saudi Arabia, how best to kill them -- whether by beheading or throwing them off of tall buildings.
“We are under attack simply because of our sexuality. Just like women, just for being born a female you are already under attack, and I think that’s demonstrative of how extreme radical Islam really is,” Presler said. “I had to educate myself and now I’m trying to educate others.”
After the Orlando attack, Presler said he joined ACT! For America.
Gabriel told WND the first national anti-Sharia rallies have the goal of humanizing the effects of Islamic law on real Americans.
“... We are going to protect America and preserve our freedoms like the Founding Fathers preserved it for us and that is exactly what we are trying to do with these rallies,” she said.
Reach Nancy Smith at nsmith@sunshinestatenews.com or at 228-282-2423. Twitter: @NancyLBSmith