I don’t care how loudly Howard Dean screams a lie, it’s never going to make it true.
Today, he is screaming that Gwen Graham fought for “progressive” values.
Gwen Graham voted in support of the Keystone Pipeline. Those aren’t my progressive values, Howard Dean, must be yours.
Gwen Graham voted to keep Syrian kids from coming into this country. Those aren’t my progressive values, Howard Dean, must be yours.
Gwen Graham voted to keep the Affordable Care Act from covering workers who worked 30 hours a week. Those aren’t my progressive values, Howard Dean, must be yours.
Gwen Graham said any law abiding citizen should be able to have ANY gun they choose. Those aren’t my progressive values Howard Dean, must be yours.
Gwen Graham described herself as VERY conservative.
That isn’t my idea of a progressive.
I’m so glad that Democracy For America, the largest organization that works to get true PROGRESSIVE candidates elected, has endorsed Andrew Gillum.
Guess who started Democracy For America?
Howard Dean.
Where along the line did Howard Dean sell his soul to the establishment?
I’m quite sure Bob Graham called in a favor.
Everyone sees this endorsement for exactly what it is: A response to Bob Poe endorsing Andrew Gillum.
Gwen Graham threw a tantrum, and “daddy” decided to try to fix it using Howard Dean.
Just like in response to a recent report that Graham can’t draw big crowds, she now demands that organizations guarantee a crowd of at least 200 before she shows up.
Howard Dean, do better.
Be better.
Be progressive.
Right now, neither you nor Gwen Graham are.
Leslie Wimes, a Sunshine State News columnist, is founder and president of Women on the Move and the Democratic African American Women Caucus, www.daawc.com. Follow Leslie on Twitter: @womenonthemove1