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Gillum's Email Woes Spill to State Attorney's Office

July 19, 2017 - 8:30pm
Andrew Gillum
Andrew Gillum

Andrew Gillum’s email server headache hasn’t gone away just yet.

On Wednesday, the Leon County Sheriff’s Office handed over an investigative report on the Gillum’s personal use of political email software on the city’s dime to the State Attorney, adding a new layer of complexity to the already-tumultuous issue plaguing the Tallahassee mayor.

The LCSO announced Wednesday the office had handed over the report into Gillum’s server use to State Attorney Jack Campbell’s office, but the decision to press charges -- if any -- rests solely with Campbell's officr.

According to the Tallahassee Democrat, Campbell acknowledged receiving the document, which was multiple pages long.

Campbell had not reviewed the document at the time of this article’s release.

“In the coming day and probably weeks, I’ll be reviewing and be in consultation with the sheriff’s office,” he said. “I’m not going to talk about the facts or where it might go because it is a pending criminal investigation.”

Gillum’s email server woes have been haunting him for months.

The Democratic gubernatorial hopeful found himself in hot water when it was discovered he had been using city funds to send out political emails using the NGP VAN email system, a popular way candidates reach constituents to fundraise and notify voters of upcoming events. 

Gillum's office began using the web-based software in 2015. The city spent nearly $7,000 on the software, which included nearly $5,000 in general fund dollars and almost $2,000 from leftover campaign cash rolled into Gillum's office account.

Gillum ultimately apologized for the mishap, adding he would pay and and all fees associated with the NGP VAN email system.

On Thursday, Gillum seemed hopeful about a swift resolution on the matter. 

"I am pleased that the Sheriff's department has completed its work," he said. "I am looking forward to a speedy conclusion from the state attorney. It is my sincere hope that this does not become politicized any further."


Republicans, however, were not convinced and pounced on the news Wednesday evening.

"Just because the mayor apologized doesn't absolve him of guilt," said Leon County GOP chair Evan Power. "Hopefully the state attorney will hold the Mayor accountable so we can start cleaning up the culture of corruption in City Hall."


Reach reporter Allison Nielsen by email at or follow her on Twitter: @AllisonNielsen.

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