With Marco Rubio announcing on Wednesday that he would run for another term in the Senate, some of his former presidential rivals endorsed him but a prominent Florida Republican remains on the sidelines.
Asked by the Miami Herald if he would back Rubio, Gov. Rick Scott held off and noted businessman Carlos Beruff is in the race. Beruff and businessman and Army veteran Todd Wilcox are remaining in the race despite Rubio jumping in.
"Carlos Beruff is a good friend of mine, a businessman and an outsider to politics," Scott told the Miami Herald. "The voters of Florida deserve the opportunity to consider his candidacy alongside Senator Rubio and make their own decision."
During the presidential primaries, Scott did not back either Rubio or former Gov. Jeb Bush and he praised Donald Trump while not officially endorsing him. After Trump won the Florida primary and Rubio dropped out, Scott threw his support behind the celebrity businessman.
Along with other leading Republicans including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and the NRSC leadership, Trump urged Rubio to run for a second term, insisting he had the best chance of keeping the seat under GOP control. Trump hasn’t officially endorsed Rubio yet even as the Florida Republican said he doesn’t intend to campaign with the GOP’s presumptive nominee.
In the meantime, some of Rubio’s recent rivals are throwing their support to him.
“Marco is a friend and has been an ally in many battles we have fought together in the Senate,” said Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on Wednesday. “ I'm glad to support him in his bid for reelection. Marco is a tremendous communicator and a powerful voice for the American Dream. At this time of great challenges, we very much need strong leaders in the Senate who will fight to restore economic growth, to defend our constitutional liberties, and to ensure a strong national security for our nation.”
“I am proud to endorse my friend Marco Rubio for United States Senate,” said former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania on Wednesday night. “Over the past five years, no member of Congress has shown more passion or knowledge on the threats facing the United States. As a leading member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee he has spoken the blunt, honest truth about the risk radical Islam poses to our way of life at a time when our president has refused to even utter the words. We need more Marco Rubios in the United States Senate giving voice to a strong American foreign policy.
"Just as important, Marco understands that we can not have a strong economy without strong families,” Santorum added. “He is one of the few national leaders who has stood up for the family at a time when it is needed most. Marco has been a voice for those who do not have a voice, and I have no doubt that he will continue to show this critical leadership in the years to come. I look forward to helping Marco win reelection to the United States Senate this November.”