Florida politicians weighed in on the U.S. Senate’s new proposal to repeal and replace Barack Obama’s signature healthcare bill.
On Thursday, Senate Republican leaders unveiled the new proposal, which will largely dismantle the Affordable Care Act.
Congressmen scrambled upon seeing the bill, with many of them not knowing what, exactly, was in the measure. The Congressional Budget Office has not yet released its analysis on the healthcare act, which lawmakers hope will come to a vote by next week.
Here’s how Florida politicians are reacting to the new healthcare bill:
U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla. (via Twitter)
“Now we know why they kept this bill secret – it’s just as bad as House bill. We should be working together, not plotting behind closed doors.”
U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.
“Senator Rubio will decide how to vote on health care on the basis of how it impacts Florida. He has already spoken to Governor Scott, Senate President Negron and Speaker Corcoran about the first draft of this proposal. He has instructed his staff to share with state leaders the first draft and has asked them to run numbers and provide input on how this initial proposal would impact Florida’s Medicaid program and individual insurance marketplace. He has invited them to send staff to Washington next week to help us formulate changes and amendments to this proposal. He will continue to reach out for input and suggested changes from Florida providers, insurers and patient advocate groups.”
U.S. Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla. (via Twitter)
“Don't be fooled, Senate #HealthcareBill just as callous as the House bill. Millions lose coverage, premiums go [up], & seniors hit hardest.”
U.S. Rep. Neal Dunn, R-Fla.
“Obamacare is failing. Americans are facing higher premiums and deductibles that no one can afford. Insurers are pulling out of Obamacare altogether. Some regions of the country have only one choice of coverage, and next year there may be many areas and entire states without any Obamacare plans at all. We must act now to repeal Obamacare and fix our broken health care system.
“I will closely review the Senate proposal and listen to the feedback from the hardworking families I represent. It is also important to remember that the bill is likely to change before coming to a vote in the Senate.
“What is certain, is that Congress must pass an Obamacare repeal and send it to the President as soon as possible. With so many Floridians hurting and the health care system in a freefall, there is no time to lose.”
U.S. Rep. Al Lawson, D-Fla.
“Just like the House bill, the Senate health care bill is heartless and reckless. This is what we get when we have a 13-member group, made up only of male Senate Republicans, develop a plan in secret. We should be making it easier for more hardworking Americans to access affordable health care, not be giving tax breaks to the wealthy.
“I will not stand idly by while Republicans try to wreak havoc with our country’s Medicaid and Medicare that so many rely on for health care, while also gutting key protections, and instituting a crushing age tax. This is not what the American people want for health care reform. We will learn more over the next week about everything that is in this proposal, but so far everything I’ve heard is unacceptable for Florida’s fifth.”
U.S. Rep. Stephanie Murphy, D-Fla. (via Twitter)
"This #HealthcareBill was crafted behind closed doors without bipartisan input or a single public hearing. The American people deserve better. Congress needs to work in a bipartisan way to pass a real plan that strengthens health care in America – not weakens it."
This is a breaking story. Check back for updates.
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