Several members of the Florida delegation in Congress--including both of the Sunshine State’s U.S. senators--are calling on the Trump administration to hold members of the Ortega regime in Nicaragua accountable under the Global Magnitsky Act.
U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., has been active on the issue and she weighed in on the matter on Friday. Ros-Lehtinen is retiring from Congress this year after being the first woman to ever lead the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee.
“The Administration has taken necessary steps to hold key Ortega regime officials accountable for egregious human rights violations and shameless acts of corruption,” Ros-Lehtinen said on Friday. “However, as Ortega and his cronies continue to intensify their crackdown on the Nicaraguan people by harassing, beating and arbitrarily detaining anyone who demands Ortega’s exit from power, the U.S. can and must do more. One way to do that is to continue to designate and sanction more individuals under the Global Magnitsky Act. No person, no matter what position he or she holds, has the right to abuse of the liberties of others. That is why my colleagues and I are urging the Administration to investigate the wrongdoings of four individuals, including two of Ortega’s sons, Laureano Ortega Murillo and Juan Carlos Ortega Murillo. By using this vital U.S. foreign policy tool, we can seek an end to impunity while sending a strong message that the United States stands with the Nicaraguan people.”
Besides Ros-Lehtinen, signers from Florida included the state’s two senators--Republican Marco Rubio and Democrat Bill Nelson--and Republican U.S. Reps. Carlos Curbelo and Mario Diaz-Balart and Democrat U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
“We appreciate your continued commitment to implementing the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (“the Global Magnitsky Act”). As violence and unrest, continue to escalate in Nicaragua, we ask you to determine whether Nicaraguan nationals Sonia Castro, Laureano Ortega Murillo, Juan Carlos Ortega Murillo and Gustavo Porras meet the criteria to be held accountable under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act,” they wrote President Donald Trump. “Daniel Ortega and his wife, Rosario Murillo, have doubled down on his intention to remain in power and increased the violent oppression against the Nicaraguan people. Since protests began in mid-April, nearly 400 people have been murdered and over 2,000 people have been injured at the hands of the Nicaraguan Government, the Nicaraguan National Police, or militias controlled by Ortega. On June 5, 2018, many of the undersigned Members of Congress sent you a letter urging immediate action to determine whether Francisco Lopez and Francisco Diaz met the criteria to be sanctioned in accordance with the Global Magnitsky Act, and we appreciate your Administration’s designation of both individuals on July 5, 2018. However, there are additional individuals who must be held responsible for human rights violations and corruption in Nicaragua.”
After listing out abuses made by the Ortega supporters listed in the letter, the members of Congress explained why they made this request to Trump.
“As the people of Nicaragua continue to face unspeakable abuses, the U.S. must continue to support their fight for freedom, democracy and human rights by holding human rights abusers and corrupt officials accountable through all available and lawful means. Additional Global Magnitsky designations would send a powerful message to the Nicaraguan people that the U.S. stands with them as they demand democracy and basic rights. It also demonstrates that we oppose Ortega’s continued tyranny, and that we remain firmly committed to protecting U.S. interests in ensuring regional security and preventing another regional and humanitarian migration crisis," they wrote. “Therefore, we ask that you consider directing the Department of State and the Department of the Treasury, working with other relevant Executive Branch agencies, to promptly investigate Sonia Castro, Laureano Ortega Murillo, Juan Carlos Ortega Murillo, and Gustavo Porras and, if merited, impose sanctions against them as authorized under the Global Magnitsky Act. We believe Global Magnitsky sanctions complement critical democracy and government efforts and play an important role in U.S. policy toward Nicaragua and stand ready to work with you to support the robust implementation of this important U.S. foreign policy tool.”
Last month, Ros-Lehtinen brought out a resolution “condemning the intimidation, violence, persecution, and murders committed against the people of Nicaragua by the Ortega regime” which has the support of three other members of the Florida delegation.
Ros-Lehtinen rounded up U.S. Rep. Albio Sires, D-NJ, as the main cosponsor. There are several other cosponsors including Curbelo and Diaz-Balart and Florida U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch, the top Democrat on the Middle East and North Africa Subcommittee.
At the start of June, Ros-Lehtinen wrote a letter to the Trump administration urging sanctions on members of the Ortega regime including Francisco Lopez, head of ALBANISA, and Francisco Diaz, deputy commissioner of the National Police. Rubio and Nelson signed the letter. So did Curbelo, Diaz-Balart, Sires, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex., and Wasserman Schultz. At the start of last month, the Trump administration announced sanctioning three members of the Ortega regime including Lopez and Diaz.