Jim Crow is alive and well and living within the Florida Democratic Party, only this time it isn't where you think it is.
The Democratic Black Caucus is charging a Poll tax, and that's a shame!
Talk about tomfoolery!
The Democratic Black Caucus is holding its annual conference in Orlando May 19-21, at which time new officers will be elected. In order to vote for the officers of the state Caucus, members are REQUIRED to pay at least FIFTY (50) dollars.
Now that isn't the membership fee. You are already a member, having paid your dues at your local chapter.
Talk about a racket.
Who condones this? Is the new party chair, Stephen Bittel aware?
Members are not allowed to go to Orlando, make their choice of officers, and leave without paying money.
How can this be? What are they going to be asked to do next, count the number of bubbles in soap?
Take a literacy test?
Are all of the chartered FDP clubs and caucuses run this way?
All jokes aside, no one should have to pay money to vote on their officers. If people want to participate in the extra functions of the conference, fine.
If you only want to vote for who leads your state caucus, you should be allowed to do that without paying money.
Are the members of the Black Caucus that dumb to allow money to be a requirement?
Your ancestors marched, fought, and died to rid you of poll taxes and you willingly implement and abide by poll taxes?
You can't make this up.
Jesus, take the wheel! I can't keep fighting for you fools if you keep this type of mess up.
What's next for the DBCF?
Felon disenfranchisement?
War on drugs?
Should the members walk into the conference saying "hands up, don't shoot"?
Let them know, just in case.
Leslie Wimes, a Sunshine State News columnist, is founder and president of Women on the Move and the Democratic African American Women Caucus, www.daawc.com. Follow Leslie on Twitter: @womenonthemove1.
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