This week, even as he continues to criticize President Donald Trump, U.S. Rep. Carlos Curbelo, R-Fla., is going to bat for one of the president’s top causes: tax reform.
Curbelo was featured with other Republicans on the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee calling for tax reform at an event at the Reagan Ranch in California on Wednesday.
“I’m truly honored to be here at Rancho del Cielo. For my family who came to this country with nothing, Ronald Reagan was and is a hero. And as far as I’m concerned, this is haloed ground we’re standing on here. So I thank everyone who made this day possible,” Curbelo said before turning to tax reform.
“It’s easy for discussions about tax reform to become technical in nature,” Curbelo said. “And over the coming weeks, I’m sure you’ll hear about corporate interest deductibility and all sorts of other technical terms, but at the end of the day, this is about every American family and about every American.
“It’s about prosperity and opportunity,” Curbelo added. “It’s about a lot of young people, who feel like the economic recovery hasn’t reached their households, young people who may have gone to college but can’t find gainful employment, a lot of immigrant families who have come to this country seeking opportunity and are getting by, but not enough of them are getting ahead. That’s what all of this is about.
“And of course it’s not going to be easy,” Curbelo said in conclusion. “But it wasn’t easy for Ronald Reagan either. And the same way he infused our nation with optimism in the ‘80s and after his presidency, now it’s our turn. It’s our turn to renew the confidence of the American worker, to show American families that they can succeed here and that this is the greatest place in the world to get a job, to start a company, to invent a new product. That is what tax reform is all about. It’s up to us to meet the expectations of the American people and to help them accomplish, reach their aspirations. I truly feel grateful to have the privilege of hopefully being a small part of taking a giant step toward greater prosperity and opportunity for every American in our country.”
Curbelo was at the event with U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, who chairs the Ways and Means Committee; U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam, R-Ill., who chairs the U.S. House Tax Policy Subcommittee; and U.S. Rep. David Schweikert, R-Ariz., who sits on the Ways and Means Committee.
Brady insisted with Republicans in charge of the White House and both chambers of Congress, it was time to move on tax reform.
“For the first time in over three decades we have a president, a House, and a Senate who are all committed to overhauling this broken tax code and unleashing the growth of jobs and paychecks nationwide," Brady said. “With your help, America, we can close the special-interest loopholes. We can lower tax rates for American families and job creators. We can vault America from nearly dead last among our global competitors back into the lead pack with one of the most pro-growth, pro-jobs tax codes on the planet. … This is our challenge. Together – working with President Trump, with leaders in the House and Senate, and with you, the American people – we will rise to this challenge just as our nation has risen to and prevailed over so many great challenges.”
Even as Curbelo stands ready to push tax reform, which is one of Trump’s main priorities, when Congress returns to Washington in September, the South Florida Republican continues to call out the president on other fronts.
Earlier this week, when Trump blamed both sides for the violence that broke out in Charlottesville earlier this month, Curbelo took to Twitter to criticize the president’s comments.
Trump “just doesn’t get it,” Curbelo wrote on Twitter. “No moral equivalence between manifestations for and against white supremacy. He’s got to stop.”
Curbelo also took to the national airwaves this week, appearing on CNN’s "Erin Burnett OutFront" on Monday in which he called out Trump staffers Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller, insisting they were pushing the president to accommodate white nationalists.
"I think that the president would go a long way toward improving his approval rating if he starts listening to others, not those who have taken him down this path," Curbelo told CNN though he did not call for their dismissals. "I don't know if they need to be fired, maybe they need to be marginalized, maybe the president just needs to start taking advice from the right people.
"I'm not saying these people are racists, I'm not saying that they want to advance a racist agenda, but it is pretty clear that they believe that these groups should be accommodated," Curbelo said.
Calling out Trump is nothing new for Curbelo who has broken with the White House over other issues, including immigration reform and the environment. Last year, Curbelo refused to back Trump’s presidential bid, saying he would not vote for the Republican nominee.