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Bill Would Allow Businesses to Buy Wine in 5-Gallon Kegs

April 8, 2013 - 6:00pm

If you enjoy wine with dinner at your favorite restaurant, your bill could drop a little as a result of proposed legislation at the state Capitol.

Lawmakers are considering a measure that would allow businesses to buy wine in 5-gallon kegs. Currently, a state law dating back to Prohibition bans containers that hold more than a gallon of wine.

In fact, the Senate Rules Committee passed the bill Tuesday morning.

Sen. Wilton Simpson, R-Trilby, sponsor of CS/CS/SB 658, says wine kegs are already legal in 48 other states.

He says the canisters will help businesses operate more efficiently and save money.

Simpson says consumers would save money too, and he thinks the idea would be better for the environment.

"It helps the environment considerably. It takes 350,000 bottles a year out of the landfills and so I think it's a great business-consumer friendly bill," explained Simpson. "When you look at consumers, they'll be able to go to restaurants and buy the wine of their choice by the glass now instead of being forced to buy it by the bottle."

He said, "There's a facility in Brooksville, Fla., that manufactures Micro Matic and they have about 130 employees today and we're hoping that with this bill passed, we'll be able to expand their employment opportunities."

Dave Heller is a Tallahassee freelance reporter/videographer.

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