Annette Taddeo has run more races than Usain Bolt, except he won his. She didn't.
She ran for Congress. She lost.
She ran for county commissioner. She lost.
She ran for Florida Democratic Party chair. She lost.
She ran for lieutenant governor. She lost.
She ran for Congress again. She lost.
She ran for Miami Dade vice chair recently. She lost.
She is now running for SD 40, and we know what's going to happen here. SHE WILL LOSE!
Now that the establishment has tossed Taddeo on the trash heap, she has hitched her wagon to the progressives and is now all of a sudden a rebel with a cause.
Excuse me for a second while I throw up a little.
Make no mistake about it, if Taddeo thought for a second the establishment would take her back, she would throw her new-found progressive friends under the bus faster than she can fill out her next set of papers to run in her next race.
As we can see, that's pretty damned fast.
Annette Taddeo cares about one thing, and one thing only, and that is getting elected.
It's like a sickness with her.
The way she's decided to pair herself with Dwight Bullard and the black community is also laughable.
Let's be clear. There has always been a strained relationship between Annette Taddeo and the black community in Miami-Dade, particularly in regard to her term as Democratic Executive Committee chair. To be more specific, they HATED Annette Taddeo, and she had no regard for them.
She has shown repeatedly that she will use our community anyway she needs to in order to win.
Have we forgotten how she phonied the endorsements of black elected officials in her last failed congressional run?
Additionally, the nice speech she gave in regard to the Frank Artiles incident?
It was Dwight Bullard who suggested Taddeo address the black community. Taddeo had no regard for the offense it caused our community and would not have addressed our community in her speech had it not been for Bullard.
Once again, Taddeo had completely forgotten about the community she later realized she would NEED to get what she wanted, which was to finally be elected.
She is using the progressives. She is trying to use the black community.
I don't see the black community falling for her BS. It is amazing to me to see the progressives falling for it.
I'm glad to see both Andrew Gillum and Gwen Graham united in endorsing Daisy Baez.
Annette Taddeo needs to have several seats.
Leslie Wimes, a Sunshine State News columnist, is founder and president of Women on the Move and the Democratic African American Women Caucus, www.daawc.com. Follow Leslie on Twitter: @womenonthemove1.