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Andrew Gillum Is Right: Milquetoast Won’t Cut It

November 4, 2017 - 6:00am

We saw milquetoast before in the form of Alex Sink. Heck, Gwen Graham actually reminds me of Sink, only Sink doesn’t run around saying, “Dad did this, and dad did that”.

Who's running? Bob Graham or Gwen?


How does that saying go? Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

Democrats should be tired of just coming “close”.

A candidate who is no more exciting than watching paint dry isn’t going to get people out to vote.

Ask Hillary Clinton. She raised a ton of money and yet she lost florida.

Why? She wasn’t inspiring. She wasn’t all that likable either, so that made it even worse. What happened? Democrats stayed home.

And that was a presidential election year, when turnout is usually much better.

The CANDIDATE is going to determine the turnout. That may not be fair, but it is what it is.

People want a champion. They want someone with a message they can believe in.

“My daddy was governor” isn’t that message.

“I’m a hugger” isn’t that message. Heck, in today’s climate, it may be abuse!

People like Andrew Gillum and John Morgan know how to fire people up.

Democrats are going to need to be fired up if there is any chance of winning back the governor’s mansion.

Andrew Gillum brought the house down at an otherwise lackluster Florida Democratic Party convention a week ago.

The enthusiasm was for GILLUM.

Let’s face it. He is a rock star.

The only other person I see generating anywhere close to the same level of enthusiasm IS John Morgan.

Morgan hasn’t declared yet. If he does, though, “I got 5 on it!!”

(Only certain people will get that reference! Ha!)

As it stands, of the declared candidates, Andrew Gillum is the one who appeals to just about all corners of the Democratic Party.

Andrew Gillum is the one who will inspire people to get out and vote.

Hopefully, the Florida Democratic Party doesn’t put its finger on the scale in the way that Donna Brazile just revealed the DNC did.

If they do, it will be another loss for Democrats.

Democratic centrist candidates can’t and won’t win.

Leslie Wimes, a Sunshine State News columnist, is founder and president of Women on the Move and the Democratic African American Women Caucus, Follow Leslie on Twitter: @womenonthemove1

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