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Allen West and Marco Rubio Go to Bat for Tom Cotton Against Mark Pryor

December 11, 2013 - 6:00pm

Florida Republicans continue to go to bat for U.S. Rep. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., who is running against U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor, D-Ark., in one of the most competitive Senate races next year.

As they look to flip the Senate in 2014, Republicans are increasingly optimistic about their chances in Arkansas, which has been trending the GOPs way in recent elections. Earlier this month, conservative group Citizens United Political Victory Fund commissioned a poll which shows Cotton leading Pryor by 7 percent.

With Cotton trying to build steam, former U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., announced on Thursday that he would head out to Arkansas in the new year to help campaign for the Republican. West cited the poll and claimed Cotton was gaining momentum.

A poll released this week shows Tom leading liberal Democrat Mark Pryor, 48 percent to 41 percent, in the U.S. Senate race in Arkansas, West informed supporters on Thursday. This poll also shows Tom leading among Independents by 21 points and women by 4 points.

This is tremendous news not only for Tom, but for America as a whole, West insisted. Winning this seat is key to taking back the U.S. Senate next fall and if Tom continues to have the support of conservatives nationwide, we will prevail.

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is also helping Cottons campaign. Earlier this month,Reclaim America, a PAC with ties to Rubio, launched a television ad praising Cotton, highlighting his military service.


Tom is Reclaim America PACs first endorsement of the 2014 elections because he is the kind of person we need in the United States Senate, Rubio wrote supporters last week. His leadership and courage will help us Reclaim America.

But Pryor is also running television ads in which he tries to reach out to faith-based voters. In an ad unveiled earlier this month, Pryor talks about the role the Bible has in his decision-making and his politics.


This is my compass, my North Star, Pryor says in the ad as he holds the Bible. It gives me comfort and guidance to do whats best for Arkansas.

Reach Kevin Derby at

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