What? Florida Day Care Costs More than College? Yup, Sure Does!
Lawmakers do a lot of fretting over the cost of college in Florida. Maybe they should apply the same angst to the cost of sending kids to full-time day care or preschool.
A story in the Wall Street Journal claims that in 23 states, nearly half the country, it’s now more expensive to educate a 4-year-old in preschool than an 18-year-old in college. And guess which southern state -- (hint, hint, it's the third largest in the nation) -- records the largest disparity?
In the Sunshine State, care for a 4-year-old is 73 percent more expensive than college, says the Journal story. Florida has among the country’s lowest college tuition costs but average child-care costs of $7,668 a year. Read this.
It's a finding that illustrates the rising burden many families face affording care for children, especially in a state like ours, where so large a proportion of parents either both work or single-parent.
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