What Do The Palm Beach Post and Everglades Foundation Have in Common?
If it's a Monday -- or Tuesday through Sunday, for that matter -- then there's something out there to blame on Big Sugar ... even if it has absolutely nothing to do with them.
It's almost funny, it's so absurd. But that's how The Palm Beach Post and the Everglades Foundation think.
The Post's latest screwball hit on sugar farmers came on a Friday. In its head-scratching coverage of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's deal with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over statewide nutrient limits for Florida's waterways, the Post writes that it's a "sellout for Big Sugar" -- right there in the lead sentence. I almost spit out my coffee on this one!
As you have read in Sunshine State News' coverage of the numeric-nutrient-criteria battle over the past three years, the Everglades Protection Area is not part of the statewide NNC rule.As a farmer explained to me -- and probably would have to the Post if a Post reporter had bothered to ask -- the area is already under a different set of pollution-restricting mandates, for decades. That includes the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) where said "Big Sugar" has its farms.
And, just in case the Palm Beach Post doesn't know, that's in Palm Beach County.
What will they come up with next?
Incidentally, for accurate coverage on the NNC deal, click here...
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