Tom Lee Endorses Marco Rubio for President
Sen. Tom Lee, R-Brandon, endorsed U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio for the Republican presidential candidacy on Monday.
“Beyond being a good friend, Marco Rubio is a committed conservative leader with a unrivaled record of accomplishment in Florida and Washington," said the former Senate President. "I know Marco's record first-hand; as House Speaker, he led the fight to reduce taxes and regulations and to make Florida's government smaller and more accountable to the people. He stood firm for conservative principles, no matter how tough the fights.
“After seven years of Obama, we need a candidate for President who's a leader with new ideas and a true commitment to reform Washington, protect our security, and revive our economy,” said Lee. “Marco is the future of the GOP, and his optimistic conservative message will help inspire a new generation, grow the party and help ensure we win the White House.”
“Marco is that leader. I've been proud to call him my friend, proud to call him my Senator, and I'll be proud to work hard to elect him as President of the United States.”
Rubio is currently the only Floridian left in the GOP race -- former Gov. Jeb Bush dropped out Saturday evening after the South Carolina primary, where Rubio took second place, receiving 22.5 percent of the vote.
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