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Rifles Don't Kill as Many People as Hammers and Clubs, Says FBI

Anti-gun folks aren't going to like this, but facts are facts. These come from the FBI via and Fox Nation.

Seems more people are killed with hammers and clubs each year than with rifles. By far.

Check out the numbers from 2005 through 2011:

In 2005, the number of murders committed with a rifle was 445, while the number of murders committed with hammers and clubs was 605. In 2006, the number of murders committed with a rifle was 438, while the number of murders committed with hammers and clubs was 618. By 2011 there were 323 rifle murders and 496 hammer-and-club murders. And so the list goes, with the actual numbers changing slightly from year to year.

The point is, the fact that more people are killed with blunt objects each year remains constant.

Interesting stuff, particularly considering the Democrats' feverish push to keep us safe by banning several different rifles. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., have been leading the charge against rifles.

And one other thing: The FBI says nearly twice as many people are killed by hands and fists each year than are killed by murderers who use rifles.

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