Rick Scott Blasts Obama and Alex Sink on Stimulus
With the AFL-CIO sending out a mailing attacking his opposition to the federal stimulus backed by President Barack Obama, Republican gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott is firing away at the White Houses economics program--and trying to link his Democratic opponent, state CFO Alex Sink, to the administration.
Obama liberal Alex Sink is sending her union allies to attack me for opposing the failed stimulus program, but it just shows voters what is at stake in this election, said Scott on Monday. Our country has lost 3.29 million jobs since President Obama flushed away a trillion dollars - and Alex Sink said she supports President Obama's policies to fix our economy. The Democrats promised that after spending all that money, the unemployment rate wouldnt reach over 8 percent; it is now 11.6 percent in Florida and 9.6 percent nationally. Sink and her liberal allies have saddled our children and grandchildren with debt and created no jobs. I have a plan to cut taxes and regulations to turn Florida around and create 700,000 private sector jobs in this state.
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