Rick Perry Goes National, Praises Rick Scott and Susana Martinez
Gov. Rick Perry of Texas is going national as he contemplates a second bid for the Republican presidential nomination. Americans for Economic Freedom is running a television ad featuring Perry stressing the economic success of Republican-led states while bashing the policies of the Obama White House.
Across America, the bad news from Washington overshadows the good news coming from conservative states," Perry wrote supporters in an email sent out Friday night. And there is good news from states with conservative leadership. In these states, low taxes, less regulation and cuts in government spending are creating jobs and reducing poverty.
Attacking Washington as broken, Perry pointed toward his record in Texas as well as those of fellow Republicans Gov. Rick Scott of Florida and Gov. Susana Martinez of New Mexico.
In states like Florida, Texas and New Mexico, conservative governors embrace the policies of growth, Perry insisted. They are cutting taxes and reducing regulation so that small businesses can grow in these states. As a result, the number of jobs are on the rise and have been long enough for Washington to take note. Sadly, leaders in Washington are not leading. They aren't even watching the failing economic policies in states with liberal leadership. Liberal states like California and Illinois are losing jobs and losing the fight to claim that liberal policies will heal a broken economy. Companies there are either cutting jobs, closing their doors or moving to economically conservative states where they can thrive.
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