Rep. Jason Chaffetz Endorses Lizbeth Benacquisto
Congressional hopeful and state Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto, R-Fort Myers, received the endorsement of U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, on Friday.
Javier Manjarres of the Shark Tank reported Friday morning that the Utah congressman appeared on the "Day Break with Drew Steele" radio show to announce his support for Benacquisto, who is currently seeking the Republican nomination in the race to replace former congressman Trey Radel.
Radel resigned from his position in January after months of intense scrutiny following his arrest for misdemeanor possession of cocaine in Washington, D.C., in October.
Benacquisto took to her Facebook pageto announce the news:
"Honored to have the endorsement of Congressman Jason Chaffetz," the post read. "Thank you for investigating the IRS and Benghazi cover-ups. You are a true conservative leader."
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