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Policyholders of Florida Back Cabinet-Run Inspector for Citizens

Policyholders of Florida, founded by Sean Shaw, former insurance consumer advocate and current Merlin Law Group attorney, gave support to Chief
Financial Officer Jeff Atwaters proposal to place an inspector general for Citizens Property Insurance Corp. under the jurisdiction of the state Cabinet.

"This is a good idea. Clearly, even the Financial Services Commission now understands that Citizens needs more independent oversight in order to protect policyholders and taxpayers," Shaw stated in a release.

Scott called for the creation of the inspector position earlier this month. On Wednesday, Atwater wrote Gov. Rick Scott about the creation of the new inspector on internal issues at Citizens.

Citizens stakeholders have a right to know that the resources of the Corporation are being deployed appropriately, and that the management team conducts itself in a responsible manner, Atwater wrote. This can best be achieved by our direct oversight of an independent inspector general.

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