Plumbers Unite! Jeff Clemens Pushes for 'World Plumbing Day' in Florida
Submitted by Anonymous on March 8, 2013 - 10:59am
While Florida lawmakers fiercely debate a wide scope of issues from Medicaid to gun control, state Sen. Jeff Clemens, D-Lake Worth, may have found something even Joe the Plumber and the liberal Palm Beach County legislator can agree about.
Clemens is sponsoring SR 1760, which would proclaim Monday asWorld Plumbing Day in Florida. The resolution states, "World Plumbing Day was founded on March 11, 2010,as a way to highlight the important role played by the plumbingindustry and todays plumbing professionals."
The World Health Organization estimates 1.1 billion people are without safe water supplies.
We'll keep an eye out for this celebration.
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